Saturday 31 May 2014

{A Birth Story} Hamilton Newborn Photographer

While I was on the editing train tonight I came across my own birth photo's. Its hard to believe that this was just three months ago. I thought I would share just a few (and I mean just a few!! others will NEVER be seen EVER by anyone else but myself!). 

Thanks to my wonderful husband who rolled his eyes when I kept ordering him around and telling him to take photo's of different angles (you know your a photographer when....) he did the best he could, and while these are technically my worst nightmare, he's captured everything in the moment and I will treasure MOST of them forever. 

Birth Photography is something I would love to pursue in the future, capturing the pain and joy of bringing a little miracle into the world ~ I couldn't think of anything more rewarding!


Tamai x

Friday 23 May 2014

{ Pearl } Hamilton Newborn Photographer

Getting to know Pearl and her family was an absolute honor
So perfect. So girly. So beautiful...from her sweet little face, to her perfect little fingers and toes.
Here she is. Pearl.


Wednesday 21 May 2014

{ Xavier } Hamilton Newborn Photographer

I’m blogging quietly these days.. I am still trying to keep up to date with my blog, however I am only taking a very small amount of select (and very special!) clients...
Meet master Xavier .. the first prince to arrive for the lovely Logan family. He didn't make my job easy but that’s why I love what I do.
Thank you Leesa and Jamie for allowing me to photograph Xavier.

Tamai x